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Unwanted house guests. A murder of crows. Is something brewing in the raw, early morning? 

In TWO CROWS APART, Ciarán Hinds (Mance Rayder in "Game of Thrones,"Harry Potter and the Deathly HallowsTinker Tailor Soldier Spy) and Geraldine Hughes (Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Jerusalem, Playing on Air's The Mandela Effect) paint a virtuosic, unfiltered portrait of marriage. After the play, director and playwright Max Baker (Broadway's 1984, The Mandela Effectand the cast join host Claudia Catania for a discussion of haters, lovers, and animal instincts. 

Download on iTunes, search ‘Playing on Air’ in your favorite podcasting app – or stream below! [21 Minutes 12 Seconds]

Playing on Air

Playing on Air produces short audio plays featuring top theater artists.

AN UPSET by David Auburn


THE HELPERS by Cusi Cram