Dear Kenneth Blake by Jacquelyn Reingold

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When she hears his story on a daytime talk show, a Cambodian refugee (Jodi Long) starts to exchange letters with a homeless man (Matthew Cowles). From Jacquelyn Reingold ("The Good Fight," "Smash," "Grace and Frankie") comes an unlikely, soulful romance. After the play, directed by host Claudia Catania, join Reingold and Catania for a candid conversation about the play, the business of TV, and writing from the news.  

Download on iTunesPodbayPlayer FM, subscribe to our RSS feed, search ‘Playing on Air’ in your favorite podcasting app – or stream below! [20 Minutes 28 Seconds]

GETTING IN by Frank Gilroy

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In GETTING IN, the autobiographical play by Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award-winner Frank Gilroy (The Subject Was Roses), a scrappy GI gleefully recalls how he went from truancy, almost flunking out of high school, and the trenches of WWII to Dartmouth College courtesy of the GI Bill that changed his life.  

GETTING IN is a short play with a long cast of eleven talented actors - David Beach, Kim Bendheim, Matthew Cowles, Caroline Gilroy, Michael Godere, Carter Hudson, Lillian Laserson, Thomas Lyons, David Margulies, Fiana Toibin and Jack Wetherall! The play’s director, Claudia Catania, joins playwright Frank Gilroy for a lively conversation after the play.

Download on iTunesPodbayPlayer FM, subscribe to our RSS feed, search ‘Playing on Air’ in your favorite podcasting app – or stream below! [32 Minutes 56 Seconds]