Let’s work together

We can't wait to hear from you.


Since Playing on Air’s first public radio season in 2012, it has provided the highest caliber short audio drama for free and on demand worldwide. Devoted to a new form of theater accessibility, it records compelling short plays by top playwrights, ace directors, and world-class performers. This entertaining, thought-provoking theater is easily accessible on public radio, podcast, and our website. Every PoA play is followed by an insightful conversation with its playwright, director and cast about the short they just recorded.

Job Description

  • Identifying plays to license, commission, record, and program.

  • Conferring with playwright and director regarding casting; coordinating all participants; and overseeing sessions.

  • Choosing which takes go to the audio editor; identifying composers, and approving music and sound design (unless handled by the director).

  • Hosting all sessions, writing and voicing the plays’ introductions and credits; and as moderator, preparing thoughtful questions in order to lead the conversation following each recording.

  • Growing PoA as its chief strategist and ambassador.

Job Details

We seek a leader with in-depth knowledge of and passion for the work of contemporary theater artists. Excellent writing, managing and organizational skills and a proven ability to work independently, creatively and collaboratively are important. We value skilled interpersonal teamwork; communication skills; and a large network of contacts to build, cultivate and maintain a strong and diverse artistic network, Board, and staff.

Other Details

Employment Type: Full-Time or Part-Time

Location: Work from home, with in-person meetings at 729 7th Ave 4th floor, New York, NY 10019

Compensation: Full-Time: $65,000-$75,000; Part-Time: $30,000-$35,000

To Apply

Send an email with a cover letter, resume, writing sample/s, and three references to Lillian Laserson, Board Chair, at Lillian@Lasersonlaw.com and Claudia Catania, Founder, at Claudia@playingonair.org. Please include “PAD application: your name” in the subject line.