Marcia Jean Kurtz, Zach Appelman, Judy Gold, Peter Friedman, Lisa Joyce

In Sheri Wilner’s THE MIRACLE OF CHANUKAH, directed by host Claudia Catania, a holiday guest’s personal miracle throws a family for a loop. Featuring Zach Appelman, Peter Friedman, Emmy Award winner Judy Gold, Marcia Jean Kurtz, and Lisa Joyce. Stay tuned after the performance for Catania’s conversation with the playwright and cast.

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The Miracle of Chanukah by Sheri Wilner
Playing On Air
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Comedy Playing on Air Comedy Playing on Air

CHRISTMAS BREAKS by Patrick Gabridge

Steven Boyer, Halley Feiffer, and Zach Appelman

In Christmas Breaks by Patrick Gabridge, a young man surprises his girlfriend with some curve ball gifts. Featuring Steven Boyer (Hand to God)Zach Appelman ("Sleepy Hollow", Julie Taymor's A Midsummer Night's Dream) and Halley Feiffer. Stay tuned after the performance for a conversation between our Artistic Director, Claudia Catania and the cast.

Download on iTunesPodbay, Player FM, subscribe to our RSS feed, search ‘Playing on Air’ in your favorite podcasting app – or stream below! [ 15 Minutes 57 Seconds]

Christmas Breaks by Patrick Gabridge
Playing On Air
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